Bidding The Past Adieu

The sunshime shines so bright.
I ponder if it was you or I
Who was wrong, who was right.
Your departure, so abruptly declared
No closure, my heart felt bared.
Not dwelling on the good moments past,
But on the moments that hurt, that last.
Each verse dipped in a tear-filled fountain,
My heart's ripped, feelng cursed, barren mountains
I lurked to watch you while you used to sleep,
A feeling so profound, forever etched, so deep.
In the end I realised it’s time to let go
To heal, to grow,
To find in the darkness, my own glow
Never received any closure from you,
Thus, the pain lingers, I’ll find it anew
Embracing the future, bidding the past adieu!

Vishal Kumar Gaur



उम्र हर बरस जैसे दो बरस आगे बढ़ रही है मेरी,
ये मेरी पेशानी पर झुर्रियाँ बेवजह तो नहीं आयी हैं।

मेरे माथे की शिकन में तुम हो,
मेरी ख़ुशी का सिला न सही,
मेरे हर एक ग़म में तुम हो।

तुम से गिला करें भी तो क्या करें?
तुम तो आख़िर तुम हो।

कभी हाल अपना बयान करने आना ज़रूर,
कभी कोई बात सताये तो बताना ज़रूर।

सुन लूँगा हर परेशानी तुम्हारी,
पर करूँगा कुछ नहीं।

सह लूँगा चाहें चुभे आवाज़ तुम्हारी,
पर कहूँगा कुछ नहीं।

क्या कहा? ख़फ़ा हूँ तुम से?
नहीं, सच-मुच नहीं।

बस अब करने-कहने को बाक़ी रहा कुछ नहीं।

Vishal Kumar Gaur


अभी दिन हँसने के हैं तुम्हारे

कहीं तमाशा है, दौर है, बादस्तूर क़ुर्बत है।
कहीं कोई मुंतज़िर, इज़्तिरार, रश्क़-ए-क़मर है, ग़ुरबत है।
मुख़्तलिफ़ हैं हम दोनों,
तुम्हें तुम्हारी मुसलसल मौत्जा मुबारक़,
मैं ठीक हूँ मेरी सिफ़र से।
हर्फ़-हर्फ़ लिखे वो सैकड़ों पन्ने झूँठ के,
ख़ुद ही खो चले सब रूठ के।
कुछ तुमसे ज़्यादा है मुझमें तो शायद वो ग़ैरत ही है फ़िलहाल,
मुझे मेरी ग़ैरत मुबारक़,
मुझमें अभी अफ़सोस की कमी नहीं।
दौर बदलते हैं, दिन बदलते हैं, बदलते हैं वक़्त के साथ हालात।
बदल गया हूँ कुछ मैं भी, मैं बेशक़ अब तुम्हारे “काम” न आऊँगा।
ख़ैर ये अहसास अभी नहीं होगा तुम को,
ख़ुमार अभी जश्न का है तुम पर,
अभी दिन हँसने के हैं तुम्हारे।

Vishal Kumar Gaur


Ink’s Return: A Renewed Quest

Once a quill lay idle, untouched for too long,
But now, it awakens to the siren song.

Words, dormant in silence, now gently stir,
As a poet's heart remembers what's sure.

The verses, once hidden, like stars in the night,
Illuminate the path to poetic light.

Though I strayed from this art, from my love and my soul,
I'm finding my way back to make my heart whole.

For poetry's a journey, a lifelong quest,
A return to the words, the very best.

In the rhythm of lines, and the beauty of rhyme,
I discover the magic, lost through time.

So, here I stand, once more at the door,
Embracing the art I was yearning for.

Ink flows on paper, a dance that's so free,
I've rediscovered the poet in me.

The lost habits, an eternal embrace,
In the realm of poetry, habits again find their space.

Vishal Kumar Gaur


A Journey Towards Hope

In the realm of broken hearts,
Where solitude tears us apart,
Sorrow engulfs the night,
But we choose to fight,
For hope resides within our hearts.

With every step we take,
A brighter future we make,
Through the shadows we roam,
Finding strength to atone,
For the love we once had, now at stake.

In this battle against despair,
We rise above, we repair,
With resilience as our guide,
We won't let love subside,
For hope is the answer we share.

Let the echoes of our fight,
Illuminate the darkest night,
With courage we will find,
A love that's redefined,
A journey towards hope, shining bright.

Vishal Kumar Gaur


The Betrayal

In the depths of my shattered heart,
A girl I loved, torn apart.
She left me for another guy,
Leaving me here, asking why.

Promises broken, trust betrayed,
In darkness, my soul has decayed.
Once friends, now enemies we stand,
Lost in a world of shifting sand.

A love once pure, now stained with lies,
As I drown in sorrow, time flies.
Betrayal's sting, it cuts so deep,
Leaving scars that I'll forever keep.

But I'll rise above this pain and strife,
Rebuilding my shattered life.
For I am strong, I'll find my way,
And brighter skies will come one day.

So let this be a lesson learned,
From the flames, my heart will be burned.
I'll rise again, stronger than before,
The betrayal won't define me anymore.

Vishal Kumar Gaur


Vacuum Forever

Could you please sing a song? Because I cannot.
I wonder how you sound, maybe I forgot.
I don't always wonder how you feel inside but I want to know, a-lot.
Let's put this aside, let me make a coffee for you.
Sugar would not be too little, have it so you'd have a clue.
"In Your Memories" was wrapped from the Title long back but it's still in the header(s).
A decade ain't little but still that's not something that matters.
I've paused, ain't a block 🔏 just that the mood is different.
Been years, no stories, as my own story ain't so brilliant.
I'm not a fan of memorising, I just couldn't forget a few 10 digits.
I'm not good with or at surprises but that isn't just it.
I still love my own space, I still love my room more than the landscapes.
I still sit besides a table lamp, I still read from the paperback, "History of Crusades."
Maybe it's not relevant but I read a lot of Holocaust and Wars, esp. the World War 2.
Maybe it's not relevant but that's all of me, an open book, it's me just as you knew.
I could spazz a million words but that won't fill this space,
It's empty, as empty as vacuum and maybe forever in this case.

Vishal Kumar Gaur


When Love Deteriorates

When love deteriorates in the end
A journey from the top to the bottom
At the time when you could least understand
The consequences that are attached
It’s hard to get through, it’s hard to get relaxed.

When love deteriorates, it changes a lot around
It’s hard to find anything that soothes your mind
Only a person that in the life you could no more count
in any list, who once needed no lists
It crosses your mind back and forth, pessimism makes rounds.

It attacks your feelings with shear power
And you’ve got no power to defend
It’s hard to accept, harder to react
When love deteriorates in the end.

Vishal Kumar Gaur



I was talking to a stranger whom I knew,
She knew me as well from the base.
Talking and walking and noone behind but she started to run,
I tried but failed the chase.
Noone around but it wasn’t the case,
Everything seemed fine just something little off about the place.
Some Crimes are Accidents, as in law they say.
Some people are lost this way, every night and day.

Vishal Kumar Gaur


क्या? फ़र्क़ पड़ता है।

जो चाहूँ किसी को क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ता है?
फ़र्क़ पड़ता है कि चाहूँ किसी को कितना।
कितना चाहूँ किसी को क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ता है?
पड़ता है फ़र्क़ जो चाहूँ उसी को इतना।
इतना फ़र्क़ किसी और उस में कि फ़र्क़ है,
न चाहूँ किसी को, चाहूँ उसी को जितना।

Vishal Kumar Gaur


When She’s Angry

How many of us haven’t gone through the long silent conversations over phone for days? And those straight flaring looks in the eyes with no words on mouth?

I’m sure at least half of the guys there can relate to what I’m trying to say.
It’s quite easy to get your girlfriend pissed off about you, just forget one thing that she asked you to bring for her, and you’ve just triggered the “Watch me Burn” button in your

It’s quite difficult to teach you guys “10 ways to avoid getting your girlfriend angry” because it is out of scope of this discussion and moreover its an advanced topic.
Thus, we’ll keep it for some other day. For now, assume for some reason X you’ve got your girlfriend angry and she’s standing right in front of you ready to explode you;

What can you do? Here are 10 things that you can do to save yourself and your skin.

1. Never justify why you did X.

This is the first thing you should avoid doing, because your girlfriend is angry!
Synonym for “angry” is ” I’m pissed off of you, if I had a sword in my hand it’d have been through your face, and I don’t care as to what you say and do “. Thus it really is waste of time and your precious energy to try to tell something to a creature which has shut its senses.

2. Don’t Run away from there.

I know many people who are afraid of girlfriends and more afraid when they’re angry, thus; avoid running away or slowly walking out of the situation. Because you gotta face it. Many people think avoiding conversation could fix things, but it’d make it even worse.

3. Don’t cry.

I know that your reason might be very genuine and you might suddenly recall as to how much you love her (or how much you hate) can be a big reason to bring tears in your eyes, but hold it. Don’t say anything, or break into tears. Because; yes your girlfriend might stop shouting at you but she’ll have a permanent opinion about you- “What a loser!”.

4. Don’t get angry.

Do I have to even say this? This is the hardest part. Yes you might be a boxing champion and feeling like hitting her face without gloves, but hold it: there will be better time for that. At least don’t do it for the reason X. You’d go days without talking for a silly reason if you get angry.

5. Don’t Kiss Her.

Dudes! Never ever!
I mean never kiss an angry girlfriend. I mean it literally. Would you kiss the fire breathing dragon from Shrek movie? Would you kiss the Gollum from LOTR? Why kiss your girl friend when she’s uttering the words from F-dictionary?

6. Don’t Hug Her.

You’d be surely crazy to jump and hug a tree on fire right? Yeah. Don’t hug her, this might be your immediate reflex action. Yeah its kinda cute, but I don’t think you wanna have a slap or two imprinted on your cheek after that right? Hugging is one thing girls hate when they are angry.

7. Don’t Ever Smile.

Yeah its true for how silly reason your girlfriend might get angry on you, it can be probably featured in Simpsons too, but whatever be the reason X. Bite your tongue and hold down your laughter. I’d give you an anchor to recall to make yourself serious. Imagine you are on the edge of a cliff and upon your right hand your girlfriend is hanging and on the left hand your brand new iPhone is hanging, you gotta save both, but you see that right hand is getting firmer and your left hand is slipping . That should do it eh??

8. Don’t look away.

Who’d wanna stare the sun at 1’o clock in the afternoon? at least without eclipse glasses? but you gotta do this. You have to look into her eyes all the time. Are you asking me if you can wear the Ray-ban glasses that covers half of the face and leaves open lips so that she can kiss you by chance? No you cannot. You gotta keep looking at her all the time.

9. Don’t Sigh.

She might end up saying a line to which you have an absolute, fool-proof, unquestionable, irrevocable, undeniable, patent-able, copyright-able, noble prize worthy excuse, and you might in response end up with “Huh!”, or “What!”, “Come on!”. Hold it inside. Write it on a small paper later and store it in your bedroom. One day you’ll have so many of those that you could sink ships with it.

10. Measure the Anger in S units and get started.

All you have to do is, stand there, make the face like the puppy below, and start saying “Sorry dear”, “Sorry Honey”,”Sorry baby”; focus.. keep looking in her eyes. S unit is nothing but number of sorries that’d take to calm her down. It might vary from few S to 100S or 200S. Continue saying “Sorry babe”, “I’m very sorry”, “I know, I’m such a fool”, although we all know you’re in fact saying “Go to

hell”, “You should be sorry”, “Guess what; I just sugar-coated dog-pile”. This should do the trick.

Finally, wait for her to fall in your arms, and please be there to receive her. After all, you’d feel every other thing that you did was worth it.

Don’t worry, You too would be angry some day and she’d be reading this article.

Vishal Kumar Gaur


मैं आया हूँ कुछ और बन के

मैं तुम्हें लिख तो सकता हूँ,
इस हुनर की मुझमें कमी नहीं है।
लेकिन पहुँच नहीं सकता तुम तक,
ये मेरे पैरों तले ज़मीन नहीं है।
चल तो रही हैं साँसें तुम्हारे बिना भी,
तुम्हारे बिना भी देखो मैं ज़िंदा हूँ,
बस शायद जी पता जो होतीं तुम।
लिखता रह गया ये जो उम्र भर मैं,
बस शायद कह पाता जो होतीं तुम।

तुमको मायूस देख कर तुम्हारे क़रीब आया था,
तुम्हें जो भूल चला था वो हँसना सिखाया था,
बताना ज़रा क्या हुई किसी की जुर्रत तुमको हाथ लगाने की?
हाथ तो छोड़ो, कुछ कह जाने की?
हर एक ज़र्फ़ रोग तक की दीवार बना कर रख दिया,
तुमने तो मुझे ही बीमार बना कर रख दिया।

मैं कहता था ना तुमसे, मेरा नसीब ही ऐसा है?
लगा था इस दफ़ा तुम नसीब बदलोगी मेरा,
लगा था इस दफ़ा तुम साथ दोगी मेरा।
मेरे हर दूसरे पन्ने में ज़िक्र तुम्हारा है,
कोई पढ़ न ले डरता हूँ,
लगता है इन पन्नों को अब आग का सहारा है।
सहारा मग़र कमज़ोरी की निशानी है,
इसके बाद बस मौत भी एक रोज़ आ ही जानी है।

मुरझाते चेहरों की एक ये भी दास्तान अजीब है,
शफ़ा कोई नहीं बक्शता है, सबको दूसरे का ग़म अज़ीज़ है,
मैं कैसे रहूँगा इस शहर में?
इन्ही लोगों के बीच?
हर ज़र्रा दर्द पहुँचाएगा,
याद दिलाएगी हर एक चीज़।
हर लम्हा तनहा हो जाएगा,
जाने कैसे जाएगी ये तकलीफ़।
ऐसा करता हूँ, सब छोड़ चलता हूँ,
अपनों से दूर, कहीं ग़ैरों के बीच।
ख़ुद से दूर, बेख़ुदी के क़रीब।
ये अधूरी दास्तान खूब रुलाएगी,
बदल जाएगी मेरी हस्ती हमेशा के लिए,
ऐसा न रहूँगा मैं,
ना इश्क़, ना वफ़ा, ना ख़ैर, ना तवज्जो,
ना क़दर, ना इंसानियत, ना ख़ुशी, ना रूहानियत।
कुछ न रहेगा शायद मुझमें और किसी के लिये।

कोई आएगा भी तो बदनसीब अब जिसको देने को कुछ बाक़ी न रहा मुझमें।
शायद औरों में देखूँगा तुझको जहां तुझको ही बस देखता था तुझमें।
हर कमी को दूर कर तो लूँगा लेकिन सब सूना रहेगा यहाँ,
शायद सूना ख़ुद को करने से बेहतर लगे दुनिया को सूना कर जाना,
मेरे हक़ में गवाही शायद बस ये हवाएँ ही दे पाएँगी,
यही तो होंगी वो जो तुझ तक पहुँच पाएँगी।
जब कभी हवा ज़ुल्फ़ों को उड़ा दे,
जब कोई तूफ़ान रात को नींद से जगा दे,
जब कोई बादल गरज के मन को सिहरा दे,
समझ लेना कुछ हुआ है कहीं दूर।
समझ लेना वो बादल मैं ही हूँ खड़ा है जो तन के,
समझ लेना मैं आया हूँ कुछ और बन के।

Vishal Kumar Gaur


जिये जाना

एक गहरा ज़ख़्म, जिसका ना हो मरहम,
उस पे टूटे हैं हम, क्या करें?
यूँ ये दिल मोड़कर, वो शहर छोड़कर,
ज़िंदा रह के भी हम क्या जिये।

बड़ा मुश्क़िल ये होता है, उमर एक ग़म पिये जाना।
बड़ा तनहा सा लगता है, बिना तेरे जिये जाना।

- No footnotes today 🙂